
Key Staff=Success

The work we are so Blessed to do involves supporting individuals returning to community from incarceration. There are emotional peaks and valleys in the process. We see the best of men and women at times. We are also there when they struggle to make the difficult choices needed to complete the process of probation or parole. Most of the folks in the photo have some real life experience that makes all the difference building credible links to the population who enter our offices daily.

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Hot August Days

As we live through a week with temperatures over the century mark, I tend see the smallest of problems as so frustrating. I know I am not the only one who feels this way (but it seems so at times). Summer is always a bit challenging in this work…there are staff vacations, sickness of key associates and lack of dedication to the work we do for returning citizens. The key for me is to see God’s hand in something small that happens daily and be grateful for that small sign of His love.

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